Day 108 - Crowds

29 March 2022

Straight for coffees. Same spot. Different staff. It makes a difference. We sorted out the problems. It was cold on the water today. We have our arrival time for Cambodia. For the first time since the journey started, we know when it will end. Strangely it is not foreboding but it is exciting.

“Every phrase and every sentence is an end and a beginning, every poem an epitaph.” ― T.S. Eliot

We stroll about the city. The crowds are building already. This place is brilliant. Winding streets, beautiful architecture. The entire place sits on the water. You have this incredible city, floating. No cars, boats. Bridges crossing rivers. It is a brilliant place.

I refuse to be part of the crowd. It can’t stand to be just another number in the mob. I think I may be.

“The Genius Of The Crowd

there is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the average

human being to supply any given army on any given day

and the best at murder are those who preach against it

and the best at hate are those who preach love

and the best at war finally are those who preach peace

those who preach god, need god

those who preach peace do not have peace

those who preach peace do not have love

beware the preachers

beware the knowers

beware those who are always reading books

beware those who either detest poverty

or are proud of it

beware those quick to praise

for they need praise in return

beware those who are quick to censor

they are afraid of what they do not know

beware those who seek constant crowds for

they are nothing alone

beware the average man the average woman

beware their love, their love is average

seeks average

but there is genius in their hatred

there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you

to kill anybody

not wanting solitude

not understanding solitude

they will attempt to destroy anything

that differs from their own

not being able to create art

they will not understand art

they will consider their failure as creators

only as a failure of the world

not being able to love fully

they will believe your love incomplete

and then they will hate you

and their hatred will be perfect

like a shining diamond

like a knife

like a mountain

like a tiger

like hemlock

their finest art”

― Charles Bukowski

It is hard to complain about crowds. Are we no different from everyone else here? Are we simply more numbers? Apparently, this is the quiet time of year. There are thousands of people in the streets. It would be a nightmare in summer.

We get hungry. Head to a recommended spot. It is packed and before 12.30 pm. We find another place. On the water. It is chilly today. Pasta to start, ragu and seafood. A lamb shank to share. I tried to order a Spritz with Prosecco. Failed. Same as yesterday. Lunch is delicious.

Head to our new place. Check in and put our feet up for a few hours. Book our train back to Rome. Start thinking of the logistics to Bari and on to Albania. Albania is simple, ferry. It might take several train trips to get to Bari on the regional trains.


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